Monday, April 09, 2012

pang of hope

Everything  was   once  bleak , barren and desolate ,
 but things started to come to life after you came into the picture...
It´s amazing how you made this lady  stop in her tracks and turned
everything blissful, like an angel poking her  in the eye
with a beautifully binding light and taking her  afloat to paradise...
 It may be an exaggeration, but the feelings are so intoxicating
and exhilirating that  they can be compared  to the`` State of  Nirvana´´....
Words are running out  to further describe   how she feels ,  quite for ``undefined feeling´´
Close yet so far, you make her wish that  things would manifest into reality,
 and more often than not,  she  always  finds herself in a wishful thinking mode ...
Just the prospect of you being close to her  sends shivers  down  her spine  and
 leaves her breathless......
 Enjoying  every minute of the  heavenly ``scenarios´´   inside her head ....
Basking in warm, happy  thoughts of  you
What a  great diversion she gets herself into!...
 An escape from reality??. Well, it is not!!........It only means how much she  thrives on``hope´´just  to keep her  going.......
 Like   a book whose last remaining chapters
 are about to unfold , her life is filled with excitement  ....The ending  may  be  either a happy or a tragic one, but nothing would keep her from hoping fervently  ...Anyhow, she may not  know much but  there is only one thing  she is certain about
If things she hopes for would come to reality , everything would be perfect to the core!!!1

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