Saturday, March 31, 2012

How to wipe out negative thoughts...

``Faith can move a mountain´´.This  simply  tells us   how the power of belief can bring us  momentous  success in life. There is nothing mystical or magical about it. It  is  just the  thermostat  that regulates what we accomplish in life.We are aby-product of our own thoughts.We  can manifest into reality what we envision ourselves  to be  through the way we think. Bear in mind that ´´ Self Doubt´´ is our mortal enemy . It is what  holds us back and prevents us from manifesting our dreams into reality. In order for us to go places , we should always exhibit the   `` I can ´´ attitude and  harness the power of belief. Believe BIG and everything  will fall into place.

However,  It is inevitable that we experience setbacks at times, which can cause  depression and unhappiness.Some of us have the tendency to self destruct  and  lose motivation to carry on once  we get frustrated.. Not to mention,  we end up losing  faith in ourselves and then endless negative thoughts start creeping in.But there is no point of aggravating the situation. Instead of sitting around and moping about them day in and day out, we should  try to shift our mindset towards something positive  instead, so we could get ourselves back on track and carry on. I couldn´t help but recall  what I read from  some  self help book a few months  ago. According to the book, our mind is a ``thought factory´´. It´s a busy factory producing countless thoughts every single day. Production in our thought factory  is under the supervision of two foremen, Mr Triumph and Mr. Defeat. Mr. Triumph is responsible for producing positive thoughts and gives us the reasons why we can,  and why we are qualified. Whereas, Mr. Defeat is the one in charge of producing the negative thoughts and expert in providing us reasons why we can´t and why we´re inadequate.His expertise is the ``why we will fail´´ chain of thoughts.Both of them are immensely obedient.They snap to attention immediately.A positive signal will summon Mr. Triump and a negative signal will bring Mr. Defeat forward.The more work you give either of them, the stronger he becomes.If Mr Defeat is given more work, he takes up more space in our minds. Eventually, he will take over the entire thought manufacturing division and virtually all thought will be of a negative nature.The wise thing to do is to boot out Mr. Defeat.This paradigm  brings us into conclusion that positive thoughts attract positive chain of events and negative thouhts attract negative circumstances..One classic example is  a sales man who always dreads not  reaching his sales quota and  every single day,  he is worried about  losing his clients to the company´s competitors.He dwells  on the negative scenarios so much  that he attracts a negative chain of events.Before he knows it, he starts losing his   clients and  eventually fails to reach the sales target.Instead of focusing on  his  positive strengths as a salesperson, he is  so preoccupied with negative thoughts that he couln´t perform effectively. In same fashion,  it is important for each  one of us to think positively,instead of  entertaining negative thoughts all the time. Otherwise, we will get bogged down  with woes and worries and have nowhere to go but a path of negativities.In order to avoid this, negative thoughts should be totally wiped out.  Here are some proven  techniques I would like to share with you on how to do so once they start popping  in..

1.Try to meditate every day.. Meditation helps  to  relax your minds   and purge all the negative thoughts..

2...Think of any good thoughts  You may   recall any good memory from the past  or  think of anything that puts a smile on your face.This could be a  toddler ,  your crush  or  even your pets. This technique really helps a lot to shift your  mindset  everytime frustration turns its ugly head..

3 Engage  in any activity. One effective way  to break free from negative thoughts is   to lose yourself  in any  activity, such as learning  new hobbies, participating in a sports festival , gardening etc.

4.Think of   any famous  personality whose achievements inspire you a lot and always tell yourself  `` If they can, why can´t I´´ .

5.Do positive affirmations everyday.They  prove to be of great help in conquering your fears and  doubts and really work wonders in sending positive signals to your subconcious minds.Remember subconscious minds can be programmed to achieve your desired result. By controlling the inputs or thoughts of the subconscious, you can control your accomplishments.

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