When people hear the word ``Politics´´,the first thing that comes to their minds is ``Corruption´.
Throughout history,politics has been associated with dishonest activities and black propaganda.It is without doubt the dirtiest,deadliest, and scummiest profession in the world.Assasination,bribery,red tape,and election fraud,are just among the shenanigans that many politicians are guilty of.Under the guise of serving the public,they misuse their power just to satisfy their own interests.In fact,the widespread corruption has resulted in the dramatic collapse of people´s trust in the governments and as it is now,it is seemingly imposssible to win their confidence back.However,while there are a number of dishonest,unethical and inefficient politicians,there are still a handful of ethical and good ones out there.One should not disregard the fact that there are still shreds of integrity and honesty in politics.For this reason,I would like to share with you my top 5 political figures,whose achievements and valuable contributions to the society have earned my respect and admiration.
Nelson Mandela
He was the first black president elected in South Africa and ruled the country from 1994 to 1999. Prior to his presidency, he led a 20 year anti - apertheid campaign and was jailed for subversion.His greatest contribution was the abolition of apertheid system and for this,he was conferred a Nobel Peace Award in 1993. An inspiration to many, he is a man of thoughts,character and courage.He sacrificed a great deal for his country and showed valour in face of tribulations, just to bring to his country the positive changes that many had aspired for.He was mainly responsible for providing the black people with the rights that they were once deprived of when ``apertheid´´ system was still in place in South Africa.It took a man like him to fight for equality and freedom. Not to mention, he has shown the world that there is still ``nobility´´ and ``genuineness´´ among political leaders and I salute him for that.
Margaret Thatcher
Dubbed as ``The Iron Lady´´, Margaret Thatcher is a British politician who served as a Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990 and is the only woman to have held such post.During her term,she helped to transform Britain back to financial stability and worked on the world stage to help end the cold war. She was also best known for her victorious attempt to gain back The British Falklands, after Argentina had invaded the islands.The strength that she showed during her leadership has earned my admiration and respect.She remained tough in spite of the fact that her policies were often met with resistance by those working with her.In the male - dominated field she had chosen, she was able to prove to the world that gender is non - existent and doesn´t have any bearing at all when it comes to leadership. She is indeed a woman of intelligence, courage and principles.Her style of leadership and integrity is indeed an inspiration to the future world leaders.
Condoleeza Rice
The first female and African-American to occupy the key post of National Security Adviser.Her tenure as Secretary of State was marked by her efforts to revive U.S. diplomacy and to improve US relations with other countries, especially in the Middle East. The Forbes magazine ranked her as the most powerful woman in 2004 and 2005 and the second most powerful in 2006. Even if many did not ’t agree with her policies, she remained steadfast with her beliefs. She is indeed a brilliant and inspiring woman.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan is the actor - turned politician,who became the 40th president in the US and served the nation from 1981 to 1989. Before his reign ,the USA was on the brink of collapse,with the horrors of Vietnam war,the endless cold war, recession and inflation running amok.One of his greatest contributions is that he successfully put the US back on track and imparted, on a large scale a sense of confidence to the entire American nation.His style of leadership, eloquence and decisiveness are some of Reagan´s traits that I admire.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev
He is a former President of the defunct USSR,who served as the last general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1986 to 1991.The leader has been lauded for his participation in the peace process,ending the decades-long Cold War with the US.His contribution to the peace process has earned him a Nobel Peace Prize.He is also renowned for his reforms that led to the fall of communism.Transforming USSR into Russia was indeed a mammoth task and yet he succeeded in making this important and symbolic event happen, thus changing the course of history.
After stepping down from Presidency,he started to carry out several humanitarian and environmental initiatives with the aim of bringing positive changes to the world. At present,Mikhail Gorbachev is the leader of the Union of the Social Democrats and his unwavering commitment towards sustainable development is really admirable.
Before I end this blog, I would like to emphasize that there are other noble and brilliant political figures , who deserve my utmost respect and admiration, but I have opted to omit them and will just tackle them one by one at some point in time instead. But, in the meantime, I would appreciate if you could spare some time and share your thoughts about some of your favorite political figures that have contributed a great deal to the society.Your participation in this forum will be highly appreciated.
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